Straight Out Of Stockholm
Wednesday, September 24th, 2008Maybe it is because I’m 1/4 Swedish, but from Snus to Espen, I love all things Scandinavian. It’s like there is something in the water over there that just makes stuff perfect and clean and beautiful.
It’s like I knew Lykke Li was Swedish the first time I heard her. Mostly, I can’t get enough of her song Little Bit (in all its remixed glory) but her other stuff is also pretty sweet.
Toronto Life says she’ll be at the moddy on October 24 and that tickets are $15. All the cool kids are going.
Lykke Li - Little Bit (CSS Remix)
Lykke Li - Little Bit (Klumpfisk Remix)
Lykke Li - Little Bit (Loving Hand Remix)
Lykke Li - I’m Good, I’m Gone (Black Kids Remix)
Lykke Li - Dance Dance Dance (Chaise Marcel Remix)
Check out Lykke Li’s MySpace account or buy some of her songs on iTunes. Amazon even has her sweet little album “Youth Novels.” The Hype Machine has some more tracks from her.
If you still aren’t convinced, check out how gorgeous the video for Little Bit is and see if you don’t fall a little bit in love with her, too:
Little Bit