Archive for the ‘Electro’ Category

Crystal From The Persian

Friday, November 14th, 2008

The Persian Prince sent me this Crystal Castles track a little while ago, but he emailed it to an address that I rarely check anymore.

He writes:

Here is another song for the blog. It is a remix with The Little Ones by Crystal Castles. Crystal castles are on most blogs, but this is reasonable obscure (and is a dope remix NOT from palmsout).  More indie rock and less indie electronic, but it still has video game-esque sounds…

I”ll send a write up shortly….

Crystal Castles vs The Little Ones - Lovers Who Uncover (Crystal Castles Remix)

You know, he never did send me that write up.

The Vintage Skeletons

Monday, November 10th, 2008

Luke Skywalker Vintage Skeletons

Right now we’re digging The Vintage Skeletons. An online graphic design and beatmaking team of one,  The Vintage Skeletons have worked on some cool stuff, including AIR WAR MAGAZINE.

The Vintage Skeletons - Sex

Check out The Vintage Skeltons to see more of his work. Apparentally, his EP, titled Vertebrae, is also available for download.

Further props to the Skeletons for the Ghost in the Shell image in their MySpace album.

Vade Mecum

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

This sounds so unbelievably sci-fi fucked-up that I just had to post something about it. I just hope these tracks do it justice. They were the ones I thought of when I saw the picture, and thought about space babes and mechs possibly preventing the end of the world at the hands of interdimensional beings.

Miss Kittin - Rippin Kittin

Princess Superstar - Do It Like A Robot (Jon Spencer Remix) (thanks for that one, schlampe!)

The Kills - No Wow (MSTRKRFT Remix)

Bird of Prey

Tuesday, October 28th, 2008

Bird of Prey, collage by Parker

I made this collage out of two pictures from some magazines a couple of years ago.

I still think it’s beautiful.

Here is a handful of beautiful songs.

Sia - Breath Me (Four Tet Remix)

Goldfrapp - Black Cherry

Britney Spears - Breathe On Me

Hit up Goldfrapp on MySpace, More Sia here, Four Tet here and Britney here.

Ice Cream and Skateboards

Wednesday, October 15th, 2008

(image snagged from The MidWasteland)

A few months ago I wrote about how The Cool Kids rapped about riding bikes and at Pharrell and Lupe were all about skateboarding.

Here’s a couple of tracks that will back me up on the second part of that theory.

Kick Push is a great track from Lupe in which he tells the story of just spending the day rolling around on a skateboard - “a rebel to the world with no place to go.” It is also worth noting the following quote from Lupe that I found in Wikipedia:

“…I’m not a skater and I don’t want to keep putting on the faces of people who’ve been skating for 20 years and actually lived out “Kick, Push”.

Whatevs. He’s still alright with me.

Lupe Fiasco - Kick Push (ESTAW Remix)

Pharrell constantly refers to himself as Skateboard P. I respect that.

Pharrell - Raspy Shit

He also named his brand of shoes Ice Creams. I just think that’s hilarious.

Since Pharrell and Lupe are doing well enough with out me, you should take the time to check out ESTAW’s MySpace. Turns out the kid is from Holland.

Taking Care Of Business

Wednesday, October 15th, 2008

(photo courtesy of Ren Bostelaar)

So I checked out the Cadence Weapon show in Toronto last Thursday, and have to say that I’m now a fan. I hadn’t heard anything by him, but he came recommended by the Persian Prince himself so for $12 at Lee’s Palace, how could I go wrong? I couldn’t, and part of the reason was because he reminds me of Tracy Morgan.

While the video for Real Estate is pretty good (thanks to The Tape for the find), the track is actually begging to be put over top of a re-purposed clips from Glengarry Glen Ross. If I had a video editing program, I’d probably do it myself.

But since I don’t, you might as well check out this 40 minute mix of house music “hosted” by Alec Baldwin clips from Glengarry (via the always-entertaining Canuckflack).

Cadence Weapon - Real Estate

Cadence Weapon - House Music

Cadence Weapon - House Music (A1 Bassline Remix)

Anyways, I gotta dedicate this post to my boy Davey Boy Taylor holdin’ down the real estate game, Van-City style.

There’s more of Roland Pemberton (aka Cadence Weapon) on MySpace or his official site.

Man, after that earlier post about White Collar Wu-Tang and now this one, it feels like it is Take Your Rapper To Work Week or something.

Dark Techno for a Rainy Day

Wednesday, October 8th, 2008

A little while ago, I downloaded this track from the Curb Crawlers and listened to it over and over again. Its dark and disturbing and creepy, kind of like H.R. Giger artwork.

Kevin Saunderson - Just Want Another Chance (John Tjeda Remix)

Check out The Curb Crawlers blog and join their Facebook group. They throw some pretty good parties. Once I showed up at the end of one and picked up a chick.

Kevin Saunderson

John Tjeda

Date With A Foxy Alcoholic

Monday, October 6th, 2008

I’m not totally convinced that these are seperate songs, but they’ve got different titles and they come from different editions of The Blue Walrus‘ great Clap to the Electricity compilations.

Fox n’ Wolf - Youth Alcoholic

Fox n’ Wolf - Electric Date

According to their MySpace page, they’re also from Sweden. Is everyone from Sweden these days?

In other news, I’ve now got a Myspace page myself, and a Twitter account. Awesome.

Ping Pong Perfect

Monday, September 29th, 2008

Frankly, I’d like to see Kelly play Michelle in a game of ping pong.

Daisy Daisy - Michelle Plays Ping Pong (Vicarious Bliss Remix)

AIR - Kelly Watch The Stars (MOOG Cookbook Remix)

(via Butter Team, who has a hilarious video for this song)

Official AIR site here and some cool shit by the guys that that did the Michelle video can be found here.

Jook City

Saturday, September 27th, 2008

According to Wikipedia, Jook music is a “dance-driven genre” that is a mixture of “Bass, House and Hip-Hop.” It comes from Tampa Bay, a town alternately known as Jook City or Trigga City.

Count me in.

Tampa Tony - Can’t Juke Without Me (Tactic Re-edit)

R. Kelly - Hook It Up (UMYO Juke Remix)

One of the best parts about Tampa Tony’s Myspace profile is the number of people stopping by to show him some “luv” and express their support for him while he is in jail.

Tracks courtesy of Palms Out Sounds.