As a follow up to our earlier post about Pharrell, check out the video he made to promote the line of opulent jewelery he made with Louis Vuitton under the name Blason:
We Heart Stuff calls the line of bling “over-the-top” and “distasteful.” That’s kinda makes me want it more.
Also check out the Coco Rosie/Prada video that we covered earlier.
Here’s a couple of tracks that will back me up on the second part of that theory.
Kick Push is a great track from Lupe in which he tells the story of just spending the day rolling around on a skateboard - “a rebel to the world with no place to go.” It is also worth noting the following quote from Lupe that I found in Wikipedia:
“…I’m not a skater and I don’t want to keep putting on the faces of people who’ve been skating for 20 years and actually lived out “Kick, Push”.