I’ve been looking for an excuse to post this shirt for a while, and IllStM gave me that excuse when he sent me an email with the “Do You Want To Splash Your Blog with Some Fresh Norvegian Blood?” as the subject and a couple of bangin’ tracks attached. “Fitte Prins” is the Norwegian phrase that translates roughly as Playboy - the kind of gadabout ladies man that we can all admire.
Since we’re talking about fitteprinsen here, it also felt appropriate to post this other track courtesy of The Hood Internet.
According to this, the sirens were “dangerous bird-woman…portrayed as seductresses in Greek mythology.”
They were known for their beautiful voices that would lure sailors to their death. Odysseus was one of the only ones to get away with hearing them, and he had to do so by having himself tied to the mast of a ship and plugging his crew’s ears with beeswax so that they couldn’t hear the sirens while they sailed by them.
Anyways, here’s a collection of modern-day sirens. Disco sirens, if you will. You’ll be tempted, but not to the extent that you’ll need to put beeswax in your ears.