1172 NASA Pictures

A few years ago, Jens gave me a CD that had a folder on it with over 1000 old-school NASA photos. He says he has no idea where he got them, but that doesn’t matter: all the photos are amazing.

I uploaded them to Flickr here, and while you’re looking at them here’s some music to get you into the orbital mood:

Miami Horror - Moon Theory (Sam La More Remix)


Crystal Castles - Celestica (The Sonixx Remix)

Monarchy - The Phoenix Alive (Disco Bloodbath Vocal Radio Edit)

2 Responses to “1172 NASA Pictures”

  1. Local says:

    I am a great fan of your insightfull website

  2. \fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica; says:

    I agree with you. Well said

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